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A shower pump set up in a room

How to Install a Shower Pump in a Gravity Fed System

Shower pumps offer an excellent way to boost the water pressure in gravity fed systems. However, issues arising during installation can reduce the product’s life. To help avoid these issues, Salamander Pumps’ Training Manager, Mike Oxley, explains how to successfully install a shower pump.

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CT Xtra Installation Salamander Pumps

Maintenance of a Shower Pump Installation

You’ve installed a shower pump and your water pressure is dramatically improved, but what can you do to ensure that you get the best results from your shower pump for years to come? Our Training Manager, Mike Oxley, explains the steps you can take to maintain your shower pump installation.

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A shower pump in use

How Quiet are Shower Pumps and Why Do They Make Noise?

Shower pumps provide an excellent method to improve water pressure across the home. When deciding which shower pump to install, noise can be an important factor. Here we explain why shower pumps make noise, why different types of shower pumps make different noises, and what you can do to ensure that your shower pump installation is as quiet as possible.

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Quiet Mark logo

Is Your Shower Pump Making an Unusual Noise?

If you are looking to improve the water pressure in the home shower pumps are an excellent solution. If your pump starts to make an unusual noise it can be for a number of reasons, here we explain why your pump might be making these noises and how you can prevent them from happening.

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Salamander Pumps Right Pump

Choosing Between Twin and Single Ended Shower Pumps

If the water flow from a shower is little more than a trickle, installing a shower pump or a whole house pump to boost this flow is a clear solution. However, with such a wide variety of pumps available, selecting the right pump for the job can be tricky.

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