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TapBoost SupportWe're here to help

Looking for information and support in relation to your TapBoost installation?

We have a selection of FAQs, videos and articles below to help with your query.


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Would TapBoost boost the shower pressure on a bath shower mixer, on a gravity fed system?

TapBoost would not be suitable for this as it does not boost pressure, it improves water flow. If you require a product to boost the pressure, please visit our product selector which will assist you in finding the right product for your system.

Would TapBoost be okay to boost hot water supply to taps from a coal heated back boiler?

You can use TapBoost to boost hot water supply from a coal heated back boiler however, you should fit a Hot Water Supply Thermostatic Mixing Valve. We recommend doing this because TapBoost has a maximum temperature of 60 degrees, but coal heated back boilers don’t have temperature control therefore, it is important to prevent causing any damage.

How long is the warranty for TapBoost?

TapBoost has a warranty of 2 years ensuring the installation process has been carried out correctly and in accordance with the installation guide. It is recommended that regular maintenance and checks are carried out, including checking the inlet filter.

How can this increase the flow if the pressure going in is already low?

TapBoost is dependent on the incoming flow as it needs a minimum flow of 1.2 L/min to activate. Therefore, the pressure of the system will not affect the improvement of the flow.

Can TapBoost improve the water pressure of an unvented system?

TapBoost is a flow boosting product therefore, it would not improve the pressure of a unvented system. If you require a product that will improve pressure, please refer to our product selector.

Can TapBoost improve the water pressure of a combination boiler system?

TapBoost is a flow boosting product therefore, it would not improve the pressure of a combination boiler system. If you require a product that will improve pressure, please refer to our product selector.

Can TapBoost be used to boost the pressure on a thermostatic shower?

TapBoost is a flow improving product, not pressure therefore, it will not work for this. If you require pressure boosting, please refer to our product selector to assist you in finding the right product.

Can TapBoost be used to boost the incoming mains to the whole house?

TapBoost is only suitable for a single outlet therefore, it would not be suitable to boost the incoming mains to the whole house. Please see the TapBoost installation manual for more information.

Please refer to our product selector to assist you in finding the right product.

Can TapBoost be used on hot water gravity feed to a tap?

TapBoost can be used on a hot water gravity feed to a tap providing it is fitted in line to a single outlet and has a minimum of 1.2 L/min flow rate to activate.

Can TapBoost be used for a combination boiler?

If installed after the boiler and inline to supply with a single outlet, TapBoost is suitable to be used with combination boiler systems to boost either hot or cold outlets. Please note, TapBoost requires a natural flow of 1.2 L/min from any outlet to activate.

Will installing HomeBoost or TapBoost reduce the pressure and flow for my neighbours?

Having a mains water booster pump does not affect the water pressure next door. If a property has a pump installed, they are not actually siphoning your supply, just using a pump to increase their own water pressure. When the pump is running and using water, it may cause a slight drop in pressure for the neighbour, but so small, its barely noticeable if at all.

How to clean inline pump filters

Blocked filters can make our products slow to activate and water to become less powerful. Cleaning the filters can resolve these issues.

Is TapBoost waterproof?

The TapBoost pump is IPX4 rated and the power supply unit is IPX0 rated. The power supply unit and plug must be protected from water and moisture. Please refer to the installation manual for more information.

What applications can I use TapBoost for?

Despite its name, TapBoost can be used for various poorly performing outlets. Examples include (but are not limited to) toilet cisterns, kitchen appliances and some electric showers (please refer to the *installation manual* for more info regarding the limitations when it comes to electric showers).

What is the pressure/bar rating of TapBoost?

TapBoost is designed to boost the water flow rate rather than pressure. TapBoost does provide an increase in pressure, but this is dependent on incoming pressure.

What is the minimum flow rate required for TapBoost to activate?

A minimum natural flow rate of 1.2 L/min from the outlet is required for TapBoost to activate.

What is the maximum flow rate, in litres per minute (L/min), that TapBoost can deliver?

Unlike HomeBoost which adjusts its speed to continuously deliver 12 L/min, TapBoost runs at a constant speed. This means that the boosted flow is dependent on the incoming natural flow. For example:

When the incoming natural flow is 1.2 L/min TapBoost will boost the flow to up to 7 L/min.

When the incoming natural flow is 4 L/min it will boost the flow to 8 L/min.

The graph below gives full details of what boosted flow can be expected given the incoming flow.

When the incoming natural flow reaches 11 L/min, TapBoost will go into idle mode and stop boosting the flow to ensure it is never pumping more than 12 L/min, remaining in line with the Water Regulations.

What is the maximum water temperature for TapBoost?

The temperature of the water passing through TapBoost pump should be between 4°C – 60°C. Temperatures outside of this range may cause damage to the pump.

What is the noise rating of TapBoost?

TapBoost operates at 34dBA. Learn more about TapBoost and other products from Salamander Pumps MainsBooster range.

Can TapBoost be installed on a lead main?

TapBoost should never be installed to restrictive or collapsed pipework or supply, such as a lead main.

Can TapBoost be installed on a shared water main?

Yes, TapBoost can be installed on a shared water main as it should only be used for a single outlet within one property therefore, it should cause minimal to no disruption to other outlets and properties within the shared main.

Can TapBoost be used in gravity-fed systems?

TapBoost can be installed on a hot or cold outlet in a gravity-fed system. However, there must be a minimum natural flow of 1.2 L/min from the outlet to be boosted.

Can TapBoost be used in mains-fed systems such as combination boilers or unvented systems?

TapBoost can be installed in combi boiler systems to boost either a hot or cold outlet.

TapBoost cannot be installed on hot water pipes/outlets from an unvented system – TapBoost should only be fitted to a cold-water outlet in unvented systems.

There must be a minimum natural flow of 1.2 L/min from any outlet to be boosted.

Can I install TapBoost in a bathroom?

Yes. TapBoost can be installed in certain zones within a bathroom, however the plug/power supply must be outside of the bathroom and the installation must adhere to the latest I.E.E. electrical regulations. Refer to the installation manual for more information.

Can TapBoost be used to boost multiple outlets?

TapBoost is not suitable for boosting multiple outlets.

If multiple outlets suffer with poor performance in a mains-fed system a larger inline pump or accumulator tank should be installed – click here to view our full MainsBooster range.

When more than one outlet suffers with poor water performance in a gravity-fed system then a bathroom or whole house pump should be installed – click here to view our full GravityBooster range.

Is TapBoost pump suitable for boosting the water to an electric shower?

Yes, however there must be sufficient natural flow/pressure to allow the electric shower to operate before installing a TapBoost. Please note, many electric showers are restrictive by their nature, and you should check with your electric shower manufacturer to see if the maximum flow rate from the shower is already being achieved.

Can TapBoost be used for drinking (potable) water?

Yes, TapBoost can be used to boost outlets providing drinking water such as kitchen taps.

Can TapBoost be used on communal water supplies?

TapBoost can be used on communal supplies provided that it is only being used to boost a single outlet within one property, as highlighted by the typical installations image.

Can TapBoost be fitted horizontally or vertically?

TapBoost can be installed horizontally or vertically however for optimum performance it is better fitted vertically. Never install TapBoost upside down or against the direction of flow.

If two TapBoost pumps are installed in-line (one after the other) will they deliver double the flow?

No, two TapBoost pumps in-line will not deliver double the flow and TapBoost must not be installed in this way. If a single TapBoost does not provide adequate flow, please consider one of our other products:

Our MainsBooster range features larger inline pumps and accumulator tank which will provide greater flow rates in mains-fed systems.

Our GravityBooster range includes pumps which will deliver higher flow rates in gravity-fed system

How far from the outlet can TapBoost be fitted?

TapBoost should be fitted as close to the poorly performing outlet as possible. Correct installation is essential for safe operation and a trouble free system. It is therefore important to read “Installation and warranty guide for TapBoost” thoroughly and ensure you comply with it.

Do I have to use the power pack supplied with TapBoost?

Yes. The power pack and cables supplied with TapBoost must be used to power the pump. The supplied power pack and cables have been certified for use with TapBoost to ensure that they comply to the UK safety standards. The use of other power packs will invalidate the warranty.

Are the supplied filters required for TapBoost installation?

Yes, the filter prevents debris and foreign objects entering the pump. Should the filter become blocked it can be removed for cleaning and then replaced. A spare filter is also provided in the box.

How should the supplied inlet filter be fitted?

TapBoost is supplied with a filter pre-fitted to the inlet and a spare filter in the box. The flat face of the filter should be inserted into the inlet port until the flat face sits flush with the pipe stop.

What connections does TapBoost come with?

TapBoost has a 15mm compression fitting on the inlet and a ½” BSP male connection on the outlet. Learn more from “Installation and warranty guide for TapBoost“.

When installing TapBoost do specific connections/hoses have to be used?

TapBoost has a 15mm compression fitting on the inlet to allow installation directly onto pipework. The outlet has a ½” BSP male thread allowing any suitable connection to be attached. When installed on mains water applications, no detachable hose sets should be used. If a flexible hose is used for connection to a gravity fed system, it should be no longer than 300mm.

Why are different connections used for the inlet and outlet on TapBoost?

The 15mm compression fitting on the inlet allows TapBoost to be installed directly onto pipework and the ½” BSP male connection allows flexibility for TapBoost to be installed in a range of applications, allowing TapBoost to be adaptable depending on the installation requirements.

What do the lights on TapBoost indicate?

The TapBoost power supply unit has a green LED which will illuminate when there is power to the supply unit.

The TapBoost pump is fitted with a blue LED to indicate its status. The image shows the location of the LED.

When the pump is in ‘standby mode’ (electrical supply to the pump but the outlet is not open) the LED will remain solid for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes the LED will turn off, but the pump will remain in ‘standby mode’.

A fast-flashing LED indicates that the pump is in ‘boosting mode’ (outlet is open and TapBoost is boosting the flow).

When the outlet is closed, TapBoost will then enter ‘standby mode’ where the LED will remain solid for 5 minutes as described above.

TapBoost intelligently monitors the flow of water. If the flow reaches 11 lpm or more, it will enter ‘idle mode’ indicated by a slow pulsing blue LED. The pump continues to monitor the flow but will not provide any additional boost. If the flow drops below 11 lpm, the pump will again switch to ‘boosting mode’ indicated by a fast-flashing blue LED.

TapBoost isn’t activating, what should I do?

First check to see if there is a green light on the transformer unit.

If there isn’t then:

  • Check the plug is in the socket fully and that the socket is switched on
  • The fuse in the plug hasn’t blown
  • The power cable is fully connected to the transformer

If there still isn’t a green light, then the power cable will need to be replaced so please call us on 0191 516 2002.

TapBoost is not activating but the green light is on the powerpack?

If the green light is illuminated on the powerpack but the TapBoost still isn’t activating then please check to see if the blue light on the top of the pump is lit.

If it isn’t:

  1. Check that the cable from the pump is fully connected to the powerpack
  2. Then switch power off at the plug and wait 2 minutes and re-establish power supply to the pump

If the TapBoost still isn’t activating then you need to call us 0191 516 2002.

If the blue light is illuminated then please check the flow rate to the outlet, you can find details of how to do that here.

If your flow rate is more than 1.2L/min and the pump still isn’t activating then please call us on 0191 516 2002.

If your flow rate is less than 1.2 L/min then TapBoost won’t work as it needs this minimum flow rate to activate the pump.

My TapBoost has become noisy, what can I do?

In normal operation TapBoost is relatively quiet so if it has become noisy it could be because one of the following:

  • Air in the system – Switch the pump off at the wall and run the water through the outlet for several minutes to clear any trapped air.  Then switch the power back on.
  • A blockage or restriction – Isolate the pump from the water supply, remove the filter washer and check for debris.  Clean the filter or if necessary replace it with the spare filter supplied with the pump.  Reconnect the pump.
  • Vibration against the pipework – if possible, secure the associated pipework.
TapBoost continues to run when the outlet is closed, what should I do?

If TapBoost continues to run when the outlet is closed please check the following:

  • That the outlet is fully closed.
  • If the outlet is fully closed and the pump continues to run, switch off the electrical supply to the pump, leave for 2 minutes and then switch the power back on.  Run the outlet and fully close it.

If this doesn’t solve the problem then there may be an issue with the pump, so please call us on 0191 516 2002.

My inline pump (TapBoost, HomeBoost) isn’t turning on when I open an outlet. What should I do?

First, check the power supply to the pump.

Then check the natural flow of mains water is sufficient to activate the pump.

In compliance with the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999, our range of inline pumps will not pump water if the natural mains flow rate is greater than 12 L/min.


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TapBoost Installation Single Outlet

Salamander Pumps TapBoost | Boost the Water Flow to a Single Outlet

TapBoost animation banner

How to Install TapBoost in a Mains-Fed Water System

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How to Boost Hot Water Flow - TapBoost Installation

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How to Install TapBoost | Case Study

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