Specifically designed to meet the demands for water within a bathroom, en-suite or utility room, CT Bathroom pumps will increase the water pressure to bath taps, basin taps, toilets and showers. Suitable for up to 4 outlets.
A universal (negative head) pump is suitable for systems where there is low or no natural flow.
These pumps pressurise the pipework between the pump and the outlet. When an outlet, like a tap or shower, is turned on, the pressure drops which a sensor in the pump recognises and activates the pump.
A positive head pump requires a minimum natural flow to activate, it will then assist and improve a natural flow of water.
Positive head pumps use a flow sensor to monitor the natural flow of water (without the pump) passing through the system. When the flow sensor detects a flow rate on both hot and cold of at least 2 litre per minute the pump will turn on.
Learn how to measure your water flow.
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A gravity fed system is either positive head or negative head, depending on the natural flow rate of the water in the home.
Watch our video to learn how to measure the water flow rate and discover when a positive head will work for the system. If you are unable to achieve the minimum flow rate of 2 litres per minute from all hot or cold water outlets that are to be pumped, you will need to install a universal (negative head) pump.