A low pressure tap is a nuisance for homeowners. From a slow flowing kitchen tap making washing dishes difficult, to a low pressure outside tap taking forever to fill a watering can. That’s where TapBoost can help.
Low water pressure has an impact on the day-to-day lives of homeowners across the UK, and many home owners are often unaware that actually, there could be an easy solution to solve their pressure problems. HomeBoost and CombiBoost both offer a solution to these problems!
When installing a shower pump, it’s important to make sure there is no air in the system, as this can cause damage to the pump. To help with this, our guidelines state that you fit a flange during installation.
For homes that suffer with low mains water pressure or flow, installing an accumulator vessel can be an easy and effective way of improving the water performance of taps, showers, baths, and other outlets across the house.
Shower pumps offer an excellent way to boost the water pressure in gravity fed systems. However, issues arising during installation can reduce the product’s life. To help avoid these issues, Salamander Pumps’ Training Manager, Mike Oxley, explains how to successfully install a shower pump.